Thursday 27 December, 2007

My Thoughts

To be able to write, I always needed thoughts to be all clear and sorted out in my head. Despite the clarity, even to myself sometimes, my writing would tend to sound vague. More than the writing itself, its what I am trying to say that is always important to me.. Not flowery literary achievements, but getting those thoughts across as best as I can.There has been many a time when I would write out an entire post only to re-read and erase the entire thing, and it has been happening more frequently in the recent past. This blog was intended to be a potpourri. Did not have any literary ambitions, just a hotch potch of everyday things. Why? Search me. And maybe precisely due to the lack of that mindset - to Write for the sake of Writing also - I am now suffering a setback. Things I "just wanted to say" are not all that easy to put into words anymore. Strange as it may seem, I am a loner, by definition. You would not realise that all too soon about me, but then again, no one's ever tried to define me either. I love my solitude, I treasure it. There used to be a time when those hours I spent with my thoughts did me oodles of good. It made me more confident about who I was. Made me happy. And I would write about those things that used to strike me.. random thoughts that were precious because it was my way of looking at the world around me. But now, (for reasons I cannot fathom) solitude is not doing me much good. On the contrary, sometimes, I distinctly feel, that maybe I spend too much time inside this head of mine, and it is muddling me. Making me indecisive and confused about what I am thinking. I am unable to write anymore..I'm sipping coffee and munching "LAY'S" bloody i am working on five assignments which i have to submitted on ,2nd.January and the next on finance on 16th... I'm working ..for all. Though at this time i really feel like running away from this place M.O.P) faculty done his M.B.A from Wharton B-school ND his PhD. from Stanford...he is a big time..ASS.... i hate him. He spoiled all the new year plan..bhoo.. hoo ho... :((...newsy the buzz is that despite all this hectic.. schedule i take out time 2day to watch" Tare Zameen Par" a Gud movie ...Amair is a an ACTOR as well as A PRODUCER...ND that child artist done a superb... job...i love the movie was gr8..i in fact.. shed few tears..all so..right now I'm attainding A run's call he's asking me about the post..curious mind...i told him to go ND read himself. I'm taking his help in asking few spellings ..he..he..he. He is one such a sweet- heart who ready too help 24 *7 hrs, nice fellow "GOD BLESS HIM" newsy i had an assignment to lemme go again ND start working. Rest I Write Latter. Bye:)


Me said...

Thoam edison said, 1% and 99% perspiration.

Inspiration is the right thought to write about, once You get it, writing(perspiration) is no tough but a game.

Best wishes!

Rohit Bedida said...

Interesting! I have been blogrolled... Nice :) Btw, nice read!!

princess said...

Thank you bizarre kid...long time though u visited my site..keep comming:)

kyamaloom said...

Thats a very true post! Needless to say "Simply Lurrved it" :)

I can relate to it in every possible manner.It happens the same with me. But I believe if we actually "think", we'll get thousands of words to pen down. Read my latest post if you can, guess you'll like it.

Nice blog!
Happy writing! :)

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Dipti said...

hey i need ur email address that u use in blogger to sen u an invite

princess said...

hey!dip my

Bhoploo said...

It seems like the first half and the second half are written by different people. Did you write them at separate times? Maybe I'm just very sleepy. Anyway really liked the 1st part...and I saw Taare Zameen Par as well. Amazing movie.