HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! 2008 was a very special year for me. i made some new friends, I cut off some rusty old ties, I learnt a lot about myself and grew in many ways from all those experiences over 365 days & nights. Sometimes you've just got to stop & listen to yourself not others. Cos you’re inner voice will never lie to you. If something is not right, then it's not right..... Don’t try to print a different color all over it just to get by...You’ll only be kidding yourself. Well it took a lot of time & heartache before i listened to my inner voice but eventually I did...and I' am glad I was saved before it was too late for me. 3 GLODEN LESSON I LEARNT IN 2008
1. Never believe an ounce of what people tell you about others until you yourself find out the whole truth.
2. Sweet sounding does not always mean sweet person, & unfortunately that may take a long time to figure out.
3. People that care about you will continue to care no matters what, the rest will vanish over time & space.
2008 was indeed a very special year in my life... a year that made me take many new steps ahead for my own personal development. I learnt to bite my tongue and bear the pain somehow when I couldn't take it no more.... I watched as my heart was ripped apart in the open , yet I stood there watching it all & coping with it all some how. And I worked out it alive. Stronger and able then before... & that's all that matter somehow.
And in the starting of this new year i welcome it with misty eyes alot of ( tears) , suffering & great pain for me will i ever able 2 recover 4om this pain or not??? and here i die the same death one more time. I am no more like how i use 2 be & As i write this post tears keep rolling down 4om my eyes oh! the pain is so powerful i am week ,i am misreable ,i want 2 die enough of the suffering Lord you really listen to us or you are really deff and dumb
Help me if you here my voice in the 4om of( prayers) please as i need more strength at this time .
In sad and crying mood
Take care of yourself please !!!
hope 2009 is a great year !!
God Says...
Things will be fine...
Finer than ever...
I like you post♥♡♥
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