Today in the evening when i was following my daily routine of having shaam ke chai at the bakery shop along with hot bhajji that time i received a call on my cell the name appear 2 be of my buddy good that he called i was about to step outside 4om my hostel newsy he said he is Hungary ND want 2 meet me i said OK man so we had gram gram bhajji along with tea at honey drop bakery then 4om there we plan 2 go to C.C.D for a chi - to - chat buddy wants 2 eat pastry ND i can't resist myself 4om a cup of hot cappuccino the conversation went very serious and interesting as he start discussing about my life these days and about my job at first i was not much interested in listening to him as i was very frustrated on the bundle of event that was not working for me despite trying my best more-over my half of the day 2day was not constructive so had a lot of mood swing too. newsy buddy was fully charge with his gyaan he start the conversation and all i was doing is noticing him speaking ,his facial movements the twinkle in his sparking eyes, he was talking allot of sense and practicability and if not at first now at least i was interestingly and quietly listening 2 him he said some interesting line in order 2 make me understand what exactly he wants 2 communicate to me which i quite like it and feel like putting it here for 2days post and it really makes me think now what ever he was saying was right with now almost complete moved by his conversation i was all lost and try 2 discover myself with my present position newsy i don't want 2 write all what happen there but i like 2 share the most intreasting and catchy lines which mould my attentation completely in his words which i quite find true ND real.
He said-
" when you blame the outside world,
you loose control of your own life.
the outside world decides your life,
Then life doesn't go the way you want to."
(8:30 PM) AT (C.C.D)
and at last i was in complete peace of mind i was compose and energize thank you buddy for making me energize and active GOD BLLES YOU
so finally ending the day on a happy note credit goes to buddy
* (There can be lot of errors in 2days post i don't want to have a check i am feeling sleepy now kindly spare me)
1 comment:
thank you for that...
heres one more practical logic...
when you want something, declare that u will have it...
stand by the your declaration, no matter what ever happens...
and things will really happen...
and life will go your way...
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