Monday 8 December, 2008

Economists in a Different prospective.

Since i have also done post-graducation in ECONOMICS so obiviousally.I was going through jokes on economists, starting from post on freakonomics blog. Following are few nice ones. A top reason to be an economist - When you are in the unemployment line, at least you will know why you are there. Microeconomists are people who are wrong about specific things; macroeconomists are people who are wrong about things in general. I asked an economist for her phone number....and she gave me an estimate. If you torture the data long enough, Nature will confess. Eighty percent of rules of thumb only apply 20 percent of the time (including this one). A physicist, a chemist and an economist are stranded on an island, with nothing to eat. A can of soup washes ashore. The physicist says, "Lets smash the can open with a rock." The chemist says, "Lets build a fire and heat the can first." The economist says, "Lets assume that we have a can-opener..." The First Law of Economists: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist.The Second Law of Economists: They're both wrong. Talk is cheap. Supply exceeds Demand. Joke-telling is not complete without bulb jokes. Q: How many economists does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Eight. One to screw it in and seven to hold everything else constant. But Chicago School economists are different. Q: How many Chicago School economists does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. If the light bulb needed changing the market would have already done it. Finally, Bentley's second Law of Economics: The only thing more dangerous than an economist is an amateur economist! You have been warned.

1 comment:

~ ॐ ~ said...


interesting take :) and a nice break from my usual work :)

so which kind of an economist are you going to be? or are you one already?